Saturday, December 19, 2009

PSA to artists

Go see Avatar. Make sure you see it in 3D.

Ryan and I saw it on opening night.

Everything you've heard is true: it's a game-changer.

:) Moniqua


  1. yeaa. At face value, the preview looks really flashy and Hollywood-ish, but I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw it.
    Very well done for what it is.

  2. agree with the 3D choice too. the glasses are also pretty sweet.

  3. you all have convinced me, though i would like to throw out a shoutout to sherlock holmes as well. rbdjr and mr law fighting crime and insanity surrounded by impeccably dressed bosomy women and 19th century london industrial bridges. oh, and of course the masons are involved. i like to think of ravenclaw salon as a coed, free ideal answer to the masons. who's down for paddles and signet rings?

  4. I'm dying to see this! Alas, it is difficult to make it to the movies with two little guys ;)
    Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog! I'm so flattered that Kristine would recommend it and that you would enjoy reading it.
